Schmidt prisms are ideal for creating a right handed image with a ray deviation of 45°.
They are similar in function to Amici Roof Prisms, however the 45° deviation makes Schmidt prisms especially useful in eyepiece assemblies and imaging systems requiring a path bend.
The aluminized roof surfaces enhance the overall efficiency while the 5arcsecond roof angle tolerance increases the prism's resolution. Schmidt Prisms can be combined with Half-Penta Prisms to create a Pechan prism.

They are similar in function to Amici Roof Prisms, however the 45° deviation makes Schmidt prisms especially useful in eyepiece assemblies and imaging systems requiring a path bend.
The aluminized roof surfaces enhance the overall efficiency while the 5arcsecond roof angle tolerance increases the prism's resolution. Schmidt Prisms can be combined with Half-Penta Prisms to create a Pechan prism.